To eliminate homelessness in Metropolitan Atlanta communities.
To assist and advocate for those individuals and families experiencing homelessness.
Reside Ga is recognized by the IRS as a tax exempt 501(c) (4) nonprofit.
100% of your donation will go to our advocacy and assistance programs for the unsheltered homeless.
ASSITANCE PROGRAMS: Shelter, Food, Hygiene, Transportation
The Temporary Shelter Assistance Program helps families with child/children by assisting them with a stay at an extended stay hotel/motel. Direct payment is made to the hotel/motel.
The Food Assistance Program provides nonperishable grocery and produce items for the unsheltered homeless.
The Hygiene Assistance Program provides hygiene products as well as other items such as socks, shoes, gloves, masks, blankets etc...
The Transportation Assistance Program provides assistance for transportation to a job interview, doctor's appointment or transportation to other organizations from which the client is seeking assistance.
Contributions or gifts to Reside Ga Inc are not deductible as individual charitable contributions for Federal income tax purposes. However, for-profit entities may be eligible for a business deduction for a contribution, but contributions given for lobbying, political activity, or on matters of direct financial interest to your business are not tax deductible.